Trick or Treating

H and S Village is having a trick or treat event. I think it is through Halloween. A couple of pumpkin groups weren't active yet, so the designers may be on European time OR it starts officially at midnight . Wander through the shops and pick up some very nice gifts from various stores. You are looking for a three pumpkin set and they are obvious; no hunting necessary.
Shown above are some accessory boxes as well as a cute chest from Second Spaces. There are four unisex (all short and one color each) hairs from Bryce, some fun poses from Pulling Strings and various eyes from Eponym.
My outfit is very similar to this mornings. I went back and purchased a couple more colors of tops from LARK. I wanted you to see that the tops tuck into LOW (in this case Sn@tch Backstage) pants and work well under the Miseria sweaters. So lots of mix and matching in my future. Fun.
That's it kiddies. Enjoy your trick or treating! Here's your magic pumpkin chariot.