Into the Mist

Quiet envelops the cobblestoned streets. Cold and damp, I wait patently for the trolley, late yet again.

In the distance, coming closer -- footsteps. Heavy, the pattern changes, gathers speed until they become a gathering storm of sound.

Nearer, nearer -- my heart pounding, I turn.

To find my lover approaching with a smile on his lips. And I return his gift in kind.
Visit the Babbage sims >>
Style Notes:
Hair: *Luscious Locks* Cindy_Auburn (recent MM board)
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Hope (sunkissed/br) June (picks gift)
Clothing: grim bros halloween dress 09 (free here)
Accessories: come with outfit
Some items may be gifts, prizes or simply no longer available. If you are having trouble locating a particular item, feel free to send me a message in world or add comment here on the blog and I will do my best to answer your questions.

Download my Windlight settings for this locale HERE.
The interconnected Babbage sims include waterways, canals, docks and seas -- but a city lies at the heart -- a Victorian, steampunk complex well worth exploring.

The link above takes you to this visitor map where you can click and receive landmarks to a variety of locales. There is shopping here, but most is low key, hidden in quaint buildings which seem more like homes. Strolling the streets and canals is a pleasurable adventure. Be sure to keep watch on the skyline; inventions abound.
I found my lovely dress at the Grim Bros shop in Caledon, another Victorian steampunk area. This seasonal orange outfit complete with hat and bracelet might also be available at the main shop. As a certainty, there are still 50 slaps on one of the MM boards for a similar (shorter and more punk than traditional) maroon dress. This was a current group gift and has been on the board before. That doesn't mean you have it though :D. Those are my shopping tips of the morning.