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Upstairs at Erics

Upstairs at Erics

Both classy and classic, some new releases (wait for it) are WINNERS!!!!!

From Bliensen + MaiTai for Genre, Trophies in bronze, gold and silver with a choice of two poses or as a rezzed prop.

From Lavian&Co BySam Upstairs at Erics (pretty much the longest style name I can remember LOL) which boasts a humongous amount of color tops available by hud as well as three colors of some superior jeans. Find these at On9.

Vanity Hair's Babydoll takes us back in time to ---- the early 60s maybe? Late 50s? Whatever the decade, the style is lots of fun! 

Just and up close and personal shot of these jeans which are pretty spectacular and have normal maps to add extra texture. The detailing is impressive.

Maitreya Mesh Body

.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA

Lumae - Eirtae skin applier

Mayfly Eyes

Poses by: Bliensen + MaiTai


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