Let Me Have Lashes

I love my Lelutka head but I have never been a fan of the lashes. I wore Amacci lashes for many many years and honestly giving them up for my new mesh head was kinda painful.
But happily Berry posted about the new FATE lashes 2.0 that solve that issue. With twelve reviews on the Marketplace (I was number 11 this morning) they have five stars.
Tons of choices, glow, alpha and color changes plus preset slots make these a great addition to your -- well wardrobe.
Click on the top photo and zoom in to see the details, OR -- here you go.
This was my choice for an everyday casual look.
Hop Hop like a licketysplit bunny and get over to Fashion Week Penumbra where you can find this great vintage hat called Lady of the Lake. Look for the Bliensen + MaiTai booth. Short hair is built in. Color huds included. You have until the 22nd.
Maitreya Mesh Body
.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA
Lumae - Eirtae skin applier
Mayfly Eyes
Poses by: aDORKable