Dark Side

I snuck over to the seedier side of town last eve. Now and then most of us want to be a tiny bit bad.
Now I showed you this hair last week. Super fun and definitely different. I noted at the time that it had the word "animated" in the description, but I didn't see any actual animation. Well duh! There are both animated and static versions with the animated style very subtle and realistic -- like a soft summer breeze. So look up eXxEsS : MOUSSE and try out a demo.
I get extra blogger points today for using Hud B. (That's kind of an inside joke; such a stable and sensible gal. Well not always!)
Fashion Credits:
{MYNX} Simple Tank - Black (most popular mesh bodies and standard sizes)
***ArisAris~Gara37~Essential~Skirt (six colors by hud; this is the only print)
:::ChicChica::: Bethany wedges at On9
[HAYSURIZA] Necklace Blindfold ribbon (cute bow in back; dollarbie at On9)
[White~Widow - NORMAL] Creed Tattoo (older)
Maitreya Mesh Body
.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA
Lumae - Eirtae skin applier
Mayfly Eyes
Poses by: AMITIE and Pose It (new releases at On9)