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Coming Up Daisies

Let Me Wear Flowers

Out for Enchantment (opening some time today) a full collection of Daisy jewelry from MEVA. Rings, bangles, necklaces and even flower trimmed sunglasses are available. These are great summer fun!

And before you head over to Enchantment, stop by the already open On9 to find this cute lacy dress from ArisAris. The Niza outfit comes complete with shiny legging, but I wanted to show off ....

Serephin heels

these stunning Seraphin heels from E-clipse Design. Several colors can be found at On9.

Classical seems to be an excellent adjective for both hair (EMO-tions THEA) and makeup (alaskametro's Color Trends gacha).  Both can be found at On9.

Happy weekend shopping.

Maitreya Mesh Body

.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA

Lumae - Eirtae skin applier

Mayfly Eyes

Poses by: Diesel Works


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