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Mitten Walking

Who: jackal ennui of lassitude and ennui
What: Mittens
Where: The Gacha Garden
Why: because they are SO VERY cute!
How: play the machine and take your chances.

Common Mittens come as sitting, laying or follow pets. Red, white, cream and gray can be won.

Rares include the color change kitties --  in the carrier (color change kitty AND carrier), this kitty in a box with packing papers , and a super fun kitty playing a fish game on a tablet - LOL.

Your new pet-decor-photo op goodies are ANIMATED and the follow kitty does indeed follow along and then sits when you stop. Such a GOOD kitty!

So head on over when you can get in and try your luck.

Fashion credits:

My outfit includes one of the AMITOMO Belted Cardigans; this is Look #7. Find a big collection at SaNaRae.

Baiastice_Pointed knee boots-Powder


Maitreya Mesh Body

.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA

Lumae - Eirtae skin applier

Mayfly Eyes

Poses by: vista animations, aDORKable and the chair


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