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Moonlight on Water

There is a difference between the words peaceful and lonely. Those that belong to the sea understand.

Out for the FaMESHed anniversary from Cheeky Pea, the Scilly Boat in three textures - worn (shown), natural and nautical. Both PG and A versions are available - singles and couples.

The textures are quite gorgeous, the pillows comfy.

larger photo here

My jacket is from *Tentacio* at SaNaRae. The Spring Bomber comes in soft pastels, mixed textures and the less than girlie "army" I chose for my almost midnight adventure.

{MYNX} Used Skinny Jeans

Hair by Wasabi Pills

Maitreya Mesh Body

.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA

Lumae - Eirtae skin applier

Mayfly Eyes

Poses by: the boat


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