Ethnic Vibes 25T
I would like to think we are all proud of our heritage. Mine is pretty boring, mostly Western Europe but I apparently had an ancestor or two with more adventurous natures so there are tiny parts of almost every culture in my makeup. That works for me.
Out for 25Tuesday this .Viki. - Maitreya - Ljuba - Night dress. Now to be fair I really liked the demo color better (a tan) but especially for folks with darker hair and skin this black version would work well. There is an altamura fit which is unusual so anyone with that brand body might want to check this out.
The other thing you need to know is that you will need short or no-alpha hair to go with this. You can get a demo through the menu system.
Meva Boho N4 Necklace Golden2
Hair: no.match_ ~ NO_AIM ~