My Grandparents Attic

There are memories in objects. They hide between the layers of dust and beckon us to remember.
My Grandparent's Attic set is available at Cosmopolitan. Choose from a copy fatpack or try your hand at the transfer gacha. Look for the ChiC buildings area. Not all items shown here.
It's Paris time over at Tres Chic and Entice offers Champs Elysees Jeans and Sweater in many colors and prints. The cropped and cuffed jeans fit like a dream. Many mesh body fits.
Lucas Lameth offers this natural rock necklace, Freyjas Promise. An extra special artful clasp adorns the back should you be wearing an updo. Find it at Cosmopolitan.
My hair is a new release from Ducknipple, Gail. Limited color hud.
Poses by: LAP [nla]