That Demure Sizzle

Can you be ladylike, demure, AND super sexy? Well I would a have thought the answer to be "no", but I now stand corrected.
This is the Asteria "Merlin" Jacket and jumpsuit in Sugar. It comes in a large variety of colors, but I seem to be drawn to the peachiness of "sugar". If you are a brave gal you can leave your jacket at the door. The results are not quite in the Safe For Work category. It comes in both Maitreya and Belleza fits and is available at Cosmopolitan.
One of my duo photos shows off the very fitting tattoo from AuricA, also available at Cosmopolitan. It includes appliers for Maitreya, Slink, Omega and TMP. White, black and henna are your choices. This is a great addition to the Merlin outfit should you want to feel a tad bit more covered.
So my styling was coming together nicely when I opened the new Amacci Brooklyn heels -- you guessed it, also at Cosmopolitan. These great classic pumps come in twenty colors. Happily the fatpack default color was "blush" which paired perfectly with my demurely sizzling outfit. Fits for Maitreya, Slink high and Belleza.
Hair: Kayla by Amacci
Poses by: Eternal Dream