Snow Country

MY not so virtual snow has melted finally, but in other parts of the world they are looking forward to skiing weather. And in SL of course we always have the ability to ski -- or at least look like we are in photos.
At Draftsman from WetCat and Lemon, find the "Sky-Line" Ski Lift Prop with texture change seat and a choice of single, couple and naughty animations.
I don't know? Some people must be more adventurous than I. Naughty animations sound COLD!
Happily I had some new warmer attire and the bright sun helps warm the skin (maybe that's the answer to the naughty times -- noon).
From Sys at Tres Chic GUZZI jacket in many pretty colors and neutrals. Great detailing and impressively real textures will have you wearing this often. Maitreya, Belleza, Slink and TMP fits. With and without materials (this photo is without).
My cute new hair with had can be found at the no.match booth at Cosmopolitan. Look for NO HOME. The hat has a choice of four tones on the hud or you can tint manually to match your outfit. Lots of hair colors are available of course.
{MYNX} Used Skinny Jeans
Apple Fall Hugg Boots (ancient and likely not available)
Poses by: WetCat