Waiting for Mr Right

Many of us have spent years waiting for Mr Right. He is going off to war or in love with our best friend. The timing isn't right, lives don't blend; there are many reasons that we keep on looking.
The same could be said for gals I imagine, waiting for that perfect Ms. Whoever your attention may be drawn to, the new Grande Royale Bed from Roawenwood has your intimate times in mind. Almost three hundred animations with all but ten being for couples -- or more.
So if your romantic times are spicier than mine (not a difficult bar to top) be sure and venture over to The Crossroads for some shopping.
The super roomy bed weighs in at sixteen land impact and has a color change headboard by menu.
While you are WAITING for the Mr or Ms or --- of your dreams, you can dress up in a come hither Furry Nothing from Kaithleen's at Cosmopolitan. It comes with a color change hud for the fur (faux of COURSE) and fits nicely.
Most mesh body fits are in the pack.
Poses by: the bed