La Digue du Braek

As part of my "new years resolution" (no caps, its just a tiny promise to myself) I plan on getting out a bit more. Long ago and far away I did a lot of PLACE posts. So this is moving back in time as well as moving forward.
Our guest model for the day is my friend Xia who has recently returned to Second Life.
Our destination? La Digue du Braek
The entry message tells the story:
The sim was inspired by La Digue du Braek, a 7km long road near to Dunkerque, flanked by a beach on one side, and heavy industry on the other - a perfect tension between nature and and the machine age.
This post also features some very nice gifts out and about on the grid.
From Baiastice, a lovely gift - Let fly your heart Necklace. Xia has been a Baiastice member since not long after her birth. I remember a cute little violet plaid schoolgirl outfit she lived in for -- well, way too long let's say. The group now has a small fee. Find the necklace as well as matching earring from a Fameshed event on the counter in the shop.
Also new, -Sentinus- Fitted Mesh Liona Hair (group gift).
And her very pretty lacy mini and cami hales from !!! Karla Boutique !!! Nora tube dress is an SL Frees and Offers (free) group gift.
Poses by: aDORKable and Vista Animations