Reclaiming History

I have always enjoyed empty buildings with a history. Repurposed or left in disrepair, they speak of history -- people who have come and gone, worked and loved.
Trompe Loeil has a new kitchen out at Uber, the industrial inspired one wall efficiency Aveline which comes in both PG and A versions. The appliances and teapot have color change options. A self-installer makes setup easy or move things around to your preference.
For me, the NOMAD Old Factory release is the star of Draftsman. This is the middle sized "B" version, the one on display at the event. While most likely designed as a store, role play, or filler building, I was thinking of turning it into a living space.
I have been living in my converted to the desert Trompe Loeil tree house for almost a year now. True, I am not there often, mostly I plunk myself down on my building pad and head off to Blenderville. Still, it is nice to have a place to call home. I can envision some artsy stuff, some industrial clutter, empty spaces for dancing. A good Springtime project.