Ponderings and Catch Ups

I am feeling pretty dangerous this eve. Partly that is my new Lelutka applier from Glam on FLF. The new .:AVALE:. Edith slip dress that covers everything nicely but just barely isn't negating that feeling. It is soon to be available at Cosmopolitan and there are choices of many lovely colors. Today for a change I moved away from my peachy preferences and chose gold to coordinate with my surroundings.
The building I am resting in is from NOMAD available at Draftmans. I have a post with more info coming in the queue, but it is fitting that it appears in this post also.
I typically live on my building pad; I imagine a lot of designers do. It's handy. But it is pretty? Is it conducive to creativity? Most likely not as I have some of those giant blue balls in my vista and a plain white prim as my stationary anchor.
I was working hard today and accomplishing a lot (much in the background of the lead photo). One of my goals for the year is to go beyond keeping things neat. I want organization. In that vein I have event folders with products and textures, and vendors and scripts -- dada dada. As I was looking though my objects folder I found this great desk and book from [Merak] which is currently at Lost and Found. I simply couldn't ignore this lovely piece. Hence you have a stream of consciousness entry with some pretty pictures.
And this is my new head applier from Glam with a subtle layer of alaskametro lipstick.
Poses by: aDORKable