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7 at 77th

There is something new going on at the second round of 77th Street - 7 linden items at each booth!  Now this is fun!  

I really am in the "too many venues" group along with a lot of you and I actually tend to cringe when I sell one of my (not new) readymade venue sets -- BUT there is a "but" here.

First I think this is a great idea. Kind of like gifts at the venues -- so almost free.  Second I like that there is actually a BUILD associated with the venue -- 77th Street. It takes me back a decade or more when we went to the events to see the environs as much as to shop.  

Some booths have one item (usually in theme with or a different texture than their release for the round) and some have many -- at the bargain price of 7 lindens. There are also regularly priced new releases to buy -- and some gifts.   

The top photo features LYBRA'S shoe release in plaid --  a Fab Free group gift available at the event.  Four other special textures are also available. 

The VERY cool  Vintage Bowling Pins are from KraftWork and coordinate with the  Old Sports Room items that can be found close by. 

New creators mix with old timers and the items range from kids to adults as well as H and G.  Here in Baetik : Ariana Lingerie : Teal I strike a pose courtesy of HMAEM's 7 linden item. 

Other items that caught my eye include:

Poses by: LAP [nla] and HMAEM


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