The place to be yesterday was definitely the Kuni store where a happy weekend sale had the sim full for a dozen hours. Moonlight got in just before bed time and grabbed this smashing style. Other styles, not advertised, are also available at the sale price.
The default purchase garners one hair of the default styling and and a fairly large variety hud of colors. You can purchase the styling hud separately if you want more options.
Some of the color choices are better than others -- at least from my point of view with hair textures seemingly washed out and needing more contrast to be "believable". The darker tones (the demo choice) seemed the best. This isn't an unusual phenomena; many of the most popular hair makers offer these same low contrast look, so if you love that look --- LOTS of choices :D.
Also on the successful shopping list this weekend --- the [Z O O M] Vivia Marble Glasses. No demo was offered for this special release but they come with a resize feature of course so fitting wasn't an problem. My only caveat is that the colors on the glasses are far from the examples on the hud. Still a very nice wearable at a weekend price.
She also picked up they very pretty long hairstyle at MINA.