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Quick Bits

A little of this -- a little of that in today's post.  

First off, this lovely and very well made (excellent LODs and low triangle count) sculpture is a 6th anniversary gift from  TLC Animated Animals.  This would be especially lovely if you have a beach type home. Find it here (free group). 

My cute little flowered dress is from the  seasonal Witchwood hunt.  Always fun, I found this one a little more difficult than in the past, BUT I found my favorite of the prizes and garnered this summery beauty for $20.   Many mesh body fit and DEMOs at the landing point. 

A new necklace release (there are also earrings) from Bliensen + MaiTai adds a finishing touch. Several metal styles are available at Fantasy Faire.  Look for Bliensen + MaiTai - Fisk - necklace for Women

Hair: eXxEsS : Vanilla

Poses by: Kirin


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