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A Must Have Shopping Experience

- Now We Are Talking - 
Let's go shopping!

The I'll Be Home For Christmas Winter Village is a pop-up winter sim styled with class. Well-known creators fill the tiny shops along the street. A horse drawn carrige will give you a rid if you choose -- or stroll.

 I chose the strolling method. There is so much to see and a photographer's delight. I heard about this from the Apple Fall group but I haven't seen notices other places. It certainly should be in the Destination Guide but maybe I missed it or maybe they didn't apply.  

Each shop has a lovely holiday gift. Some are in big packs so no way to show you all that can be found. There are some really classy items to add to your holiday décor,  Each boutique is tiny so camming is the easiest shopping method.  

Spend an hour. Have a great time. Come home with lots of goodies.


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