Ancient Echoes
Somewhere between the imaginary land of Tatooine and the ancient cliff dwellings of Turkey, the 01.[Since1975] Cappadocia - Fairy Chimneys Cave RARE is a sight to behold.
Out at The Arcade this month, It is easiest to purchase in whole set form. This one piece very large build isn't easy to win -- or more precisely these days win the ability to buy. The stars were definitely in my corner however as I found "Number 1" in the to buy slot. I kept on trying with my alts and when logging one in to get the Noel head Wednesday won the option to get a back up in two buys. You BET I took that! Doing happy dance. I now also have a hot air balloon cluster :D. Fun.
So super lucky and super pleased. Actually I "could" put them both out and have a village. Ah the possibilities.
The build is mod and includes a modern platform which I am going to take off and perhaps replace with more rock surfaces. I want a back in time feel that modern additions will negate :D.
This is lovely work and deserves some praise so I wanted to show it to you. If you would like to see it in world it is rezzed on a platform and I am hoping I don't lose it like I did my SL20B build . I suspect that it will make a perfect background for fantasy and Fantasy Faire photos.
Actually I have some ancient items and fantasy flora left from my Fantasy Faire build long ago. Presumably I can find them. They would go very well I think.