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The Chaos of Camming

I haven't purchased a lot of clothes lately other than a few weekend sale items.  But I loved the ad for this new top (longer than many "dresses" I try on) from Amias at Equal10.   

So WHY am I showing you the hoodie DEMO?  
Because I wasn't able to buy the actual product!  

Camming is a great skill to have in SL and I am pretty much a pro. Area Search is good too. Putting them together will solve lots of shopping an hunting issues, but only if you can see the vendors that will let you buy the items you desire. 

Here is what I went searching to find (from Searphim):

And here is what I saw from the cam sim:

I could click on the large poster and get the demo (woot!) but I couldn't buy because I couldn't see the tiny vendors. Area search didn't find items I could "pay" and raising my distance didn't help. Upping my LODs to 4 might have helped but hasn't in the past in similar situations. 

Just too far away to see. 

I really like this "top" :D.  I may return and get the fatpack.  Or, something new and exciting may come along to grab my interest and I may forget all about this cutie.  An interesting bit of info to ponder if you are a creator that markets their wares. 

BONDI . The Rockstar Headphones . Fatpack (Head)
Movement MVT - Led phone metal -  Trash

Hair: *barberyumyum*P10(03) (click.resize)

Pose by: Helamiyo


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