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Moving Into the Present - LaraX

Now that I have finally found a skin and makeup combo I like for EvoX I am trying to move into the LaraX camp. Sadly I don't have all that many favorite items that still work -- other than winter stuff that you just alpha out the difference :D.   I have one favorite older jumpsuit that ALMOST fits perfectly but alas it is old and apparently not getting an update. I will venture over to the shop and see if there is something NEW that catches my eye. 


This fun and feminine :: pm :: Bahia Bikini Set -SL21B Gift from PurpleMoon can be found at Shop and Hop and there are many other fits in the pack.  Top, bikini and sarong are separate pieces so you can wear as much or as little as you desire.  I love it and now --- should I ever venture to the beach or pool I will have something suitable to wear. Perfect!

My backdrop is the June gift from MINIMAL and is a complete shower set that can be used as part of a home or as a backdrop.

12. Fancy Decor + KraftWork Voda Pool Clutter
Granola. Nivea Bath Towels Gift.
D-LAB Shampoo Cosmopolitan Anniversary Gift

Hair: TRUTH VIP - Moment

Poses by: an larm aDORKable and Anacci neck pose hud


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