Shop and Hop Rainbow
There are quite a few PRIDE themed gifts at Shop and Hop. These are all supposed to be NEW gift so hopefully those of you who have been to themed hunts and venues will be seeing these for the first time.
neve gift - summer pride LaraX Legacy and Reborn fits plus PetiteX with slight changes in texture available via hud. You can also wear either dress or hoodie.
MINA Hair - Dorie - Rainbow GIFT come in one rainbow color with various sizes - three parts (scalpe, buns and bangs)
I am wearing a different skin gift (oh my). OCTUS - Kai skin for Lelutka Evox - Tone 4 - NB. This comes in varous skin tones.
The -Muho- Lari - Maitreya Lara X is fitting footwear that comes in many fits (including male) and come with a big color hud (mostly dark hues). There is a text option on the straps but the text had flicker problems for me. It obviously is an option that you can turn off.