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STEAM 7 Hunt

While I don't have time to complete the whole STEAM 7 hunt, I did do a little sleuthing of my favorite shops with a few wild cards thrown in. My personal favorite find is the Time Watchers Gear from [ContraptioN]. Rigged mesh, it comes in four sizes.

Goggles come with and appear to be powered by the backpack. Who knows what wonders might be revealed while wearing these beauties!   My necklace is from Trident Jewelry.

Who doesn't need a lounge with a few tentacles? This model, complete with a variety of poses, is from Sheds n Shacks.

This intricate pocket watch can be yours; just find the gear at Hatpins. It comes complete with steam particle effects and is beautifully made.

You won't find the list of shops on the blog; no hints either. You will need to join the Historical Hunts group (just click on any STEAM 7 hunt sign for a link) for the latest info. Hints can be found at various shops by reading the floating text above the hunt sign.

There are a few shops that aren't ready and several optional mini hunts.

This steamy skybox is the prize from the Julia Collection .   It boast shabby Victorian wallpaper in the appropriate tan color as well as stairs leading to the observation deck.

This doesn't FLY :D.

So get your steam clothes on (mine are the free outfit from BlakOpal that I wear often) and do a bit of hunting.

There are nearly 150 shops with probably 200 prizes to find. You have all month, so there's plenty of time.

Poses by: Diesel Works


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