POE Hunt - 2
With no time for major hunting today, I still managed to find a beautiful POE Hunt gift. With so many vendors taking part, it seems like they are at your fingertips even when you aren't trying -- and that isn't a bad thing. My lovely necklace and earring set, just one of many great jewelry gifts from the POE trail, is from WTG -- number 47 on the tour. It was difficult to miss that they were part of the hunt as a model displayed this as well as other goodies at the landing point. There are other gifts to be had, so pay attention to her floating text as you enter :D.
My outfit, minus the tank, is from GIZZA on the POE. I have already deleted their hunt number but they are somewhere between 100 and 150 *wink* and really, what's in a number. The set is very high quality and you could easily wear the jacket with a dress and the jeans with something more casual. Multipurpose is a good thing in my book.
My pose is TOMORROW'S (Day 6) advent gift from aDORKable poses.