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POE Hunt - 2

With no time for major hunting today, I still managed to find a beautiful POE Hunt gift. With so many vendors taking part, it seems like they are at your fingertips even when you aren't trying -- and that isn't a bad thing.  My lovely necklace and earring set, just one of many great jewelry gifts from the POE trail, is from WTG -- number 47 on the tour.  It was difficult to miss that they were part of the hunt as a model displayed this as well as other goodies at the landing point. There are other gifts to be had, so pay attention to her floating text as you enter :D.

My outfit, minus the tank, is from GIZZA on the POE. I have already deleted their hunt number but they are somewhere between 100 and 150 *wink* and really, what's in a number. The set is very high quality and you could easily wear the jacket with a dress and the jeans with something more casual. Multipurpose is a good thing in my book.

My pose is TOMORROW'S (Day 6) advent gift from aDORKable poses.


Indigo Alecto said…
Did you see that upstairs at WTG there's a Christmas gift, free to everyone, that contains the bracelets that match that set? They are amazing.
Chic Aeon said…
Yes, got it. That was my mention to read the info on the model :D. I just wouldn't wear them all at the same time, personally LOL. Minimalist me. Thanks.

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