Reading Notecards
With so much going on these days it is easy to miss a great event. Sadly the feeds don't seem to be fulfilling my needs these days. And, some of my favorites are no longer. Still, I have designers that let me on on things; all I need to do is read those notecards *wink*.
There is a new sim hunt going on, a very nice one to boot, over at KV Dream Fashion Agency. Look for the decorated stars and come away with some very nice gifts. Best of all, if you click on the poster at the landing point you are given a preview and SLURL to each of the shops participating. So you can search for things that fit your style. I picked up a couple of goodies but there are many to choose from. If you are planning on celebrating the New Year in a fancy way, you definitely want to stop by.
My outfit is another new release from AD Creations, the notecard with the hunt info was included in the new release pack - yeah! My hair is a new release from Vanity Hair, "Closer". My skin is the new desaturated holiday gift from Adam and Eve.
Poses by: BehaviorBody