Advent Wrap Up

It is the last day of Advent in most cases; a few calendars will continue on through the end of the month. It has been a wild time with the bounty of the season. I can't remember so many calendars, trees and gift boxes.
My gals hung in their like troopers and I imagine, like me they are somewhat relieved to see the process end for another year. There has definitely been something for everyone and we will all be better dressed and decored because of the generosity of so many creators.
So a big thanks to everyone.
Today's gifts in this post:
Purple Moon - Season Pj's
MEVA's - Barron Slim Pants Brown (Justice shirt at the Hop and Shop)
Enitce - Valor Top and Skirt in Wine
There is also a nice leather coat at go! and a very pretty skin with Omega applier at WoW. Some of today's gifts aren't out yet as we meet again in the middle of some of our nights :D.
Two things to remember --
Tomorrow is gift card day at Entice, so stop by the tree for the last time this year and then do a little shopping after you catch your breath and clean your inventory.
There is once again an annual tree with presents from many creators at The Fallen Gods as well as some stores of the other creators. Some very pretty presents await you there.
Have a wonderful holiday!
Winter bird house VIP group gift from {what next}.
Poses by: LAP and Akeyo