Women Only Hunt 2017 Wrap Up

It is wrap up time for the WOH4 which was filled with some wonderful gifts and prizes (some were easy to find and a few in the Twisted vein apparently -- so I divide them into two categories). Sami got most if not all of the prizes. A few when she did the hunt in the first couple of days were missing objects with just the notecard about the hunt and a landmark, one had moved and apparently not replaced the hunt item -- you know how it goes.
But this is certainly the best hunt for gals out there.
In the new stars from page four of the hud we have the set from HILLY HAALAN which comes in MANY sizes to fit most everyone. Boots, purse, glasses and a choice of coat with or without scarf are all in the pack.

And on Di, my dusty alt who I have been updating we also have the free altamura full body avatar. Since Sami was "very happy with her look, thank you so much", I logged in Di and got her set up. If you remember she had been wearing the eBody free body and her system head maybe to update to the free head at The Chapter Four (and that might happen still, who knows).
altamura and eBody each have advantages and disadvantages and I will let you sort those out for yourself to see which might be best for you or your alt.
The free altamura avatar (you can turn the head off and wear another if you so choose) comes with some cool animation huds for face and hands. These are separate and you add them when needed, but that gives you lots of control over things. Add the many many alpha slotted hud and you can do lots.
There are no makeup choices with the hunt body or skin tones and I am pretty sure this is NOT Omega compatible with a relay as the guys body was not.
I adjusted the provided shape (you really need to start with that or at least copy over some of the head parameters as it does NOT agree with what we would think of as the typical human look of a head when you plop it on your old shape :D.
I am very pleased with her look!
Not all that many clothes will fit even with all the alpha slots, but pants, skirts and sweaters with sleeves seem to be pretty good. I will take her out to pick up some of the new hunt booty soon and we will see what choices she has with attire.
My quick test has Slink shoes fitting.
One more great picture to leave you with.

... SpotCat ... WOH4 HUNT - Pose Haska wearable puppy with pose. Use your hover height slider to get to the floor. So cute.
Sami's snowflake top comes with color options in grayscale for the bottom of the sweater ---- is from !APHORISM! The Bridget Sweater Snowflake is beautifully made with various fits.
Happy Hunting!
Poses by: ChiC buildings and LAP [nla]