Moving Days

It feels like it is already a new year -- well almost. My head is still spinning from Advent. We will need to scale that down a bit next year I think. SO much to report!
Meanwhile I will be in moving mode. A Steamy Mystery in Terradale (LEA12) will be coming down in a few days -- happily to find a new home at the Machinima Open Studio Project (LEA6). The storyline will be no more, though so if you haven't visited, now would be the time.
@ Cosmopolitan:
amias FREJA COPPER necklace
adorsy Isabel Top Midi Loose Version and Bra (separates)
-:zk: (ZaraKent Shoes & Accessories) Andrew Boots Brown
Opale Hermini Hair @ Tres Chic
Beautiful, Dirty Rich - Dreamer Jeans (appliers)
Top photo: Trompe Loeil - Amelie Cottage

I have been busy making mesh for the new build. When this new release from Trompe Loeil arrived, being low on prims at my building pad I headed over to my favorite sandbox.
THEN it hit me, I had a lovely space to rez -- a full sim layout for LEA6. So I jumped over there. Sometimes I get so busy --- well we all do I expect.
The new Trompe Loeil - Maisie Cabin weighs in at 90 land impact as shown. There is also a version with string lights. A snow add-on is available. Find it at Uber.
Poses by: ChiC buildings Packing Boxes (gift at Gacha Guardians in Jan)