Holiday Glitter

It's the season for getting dressed up all fancy like. Even us casual gals like to look preeety and ladylike now and then.
Another new holiday release from Baiastice, Elie, offers elegance with a dash of "posh". Find it in many colors at the main store. Maitreya and Slink fits.
A perfect companion? These lovely Baiastice Kioto earrings, part of a jewelry set which includes a choker (and we know how in demand chokers are!) :D
Various metal tones can be found at The Liaison Collaborative.
My No Halo updo by no.match comes plain or with holiday themed add on. Find all the colors at The Grab.
Lighted Wooden Tree CHEZ MOI from the Cosmopolitan Gift Tree (group).
Poses by: KoKoLoReS and Nantra