Blackfoot Wilds

In the quiet morn

The land speaks

And we need only listen

With open heart

To hear her sobs of sadness.
Visit Astryls Wild Lands >>
Style Notes:
Hair: Alli&Ali Designs Elven Hunter Hair Darkcherry
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Hope (dark tan/br) natural
Clothing: hO wEAr H:: Blackfoot Tribe ::H (free today until 8 pm)
Accessories: come with outfit

Download my Windlight settings for this locale HERE.
I wasn't sure I was going to make this shoot into a complete Places post with prose amid the photos and a postcard entry. What could I say that wouldn't seem trite? How could I honor those that walked our lands long before we came? That answer it turned out was simple. It WAS about the earth, the connection with the patterns of nature, a reverence for all that nurtures us.
I have a little Cherokee blood -- around 1/32 and would like to believe that my connection to the earth comes from my ancestors. From Eric Francis, astrologer:
I have suggested that the pool of your anonymous ancestors would be enough to fill a stadium. Just to give you an idea, counting a mere 13 generations back, you have 10,000 ancestors, all of whose DNA you possess (data which includes genetic instructions, memories and future potentials).Thus, the focus of this post.
hO wEAr gives away an outfit each day of the work week (M-F). If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you are well aware and most likely drop in from time to time. Heidi has a sim now, a brand new store renovation with second floor (that's over 300 outfits a year when you do the math), and plenty of adoring fans.
Her outfits span all themes, but my favorites -- and the ones I pick up, save and oftentimes blog -- are the niche costumes. This Blackfoot Tribe attire is not traditional; I know that. But it is lovely and it definitely set the mood in the mountains. And that's good enough in my book.