Centuries Collide
We think of time as tunnel --
that we travel from the past, towards the future.
But sometimes there are moments of time out of time --
When the past catches up to us --
And the future doesn't seen so far away.
Visit Greed >> (sorry, central landing point)
Style Notes:
Hair: .:[ Tiny Bird ]:. Kissy Kissy - Chestnut
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Bella (sunkissed/li) Gogo
Clothing: *Laughing Academy* Victorian Quilted Velvet Short Cape (Top Hat Hunt), hO wEAr Prim and Proper, :::Sn@tch Long Gloves Black:::

Download my Windlight settings for this locale HERE.

This morning I ended up at Amerie. I am sure there are lovely photo ops there, but I was immediately drawn to the neighboring sim of Greed. In this case "Greed is good". The sim is a blending of warm rich textures, cobblestones and hand drawn trees. Greed is details beyond the norm. While a shopping sim, it is also a destination. Greed seems to look good in almost any light, but as I arrived it was almost sunset and the golden tones of that time were the basis of my Windlight settings.
I am not a big fan of glow; it is often far too overused. Here it works beautifully. There are so many lovely spots to explore, you could stay a very long time.