Gratis Gardening

I love to garden. I'd be out there digging in the dirt all year round if I could. And at Phil's Place we can! What's even better is that we can often do it for free. A prettier world and a better planet. No chemicals needed here - yeah! So here is a round up of some of the great free items out there for your yard.
The top photo is the Farmer's Market from Tuesday's Midnight board at IMPulse. It is simply super. While the prim count is fairly hefty (around 46 for everything I think), the good news is that the build is in pieces. You can have just the squash, or just the tomatoes -- or build a whole whopping tomato field if you want too. Since I didn't have enough prims to use all the build, I opted to add the winter squash to my flowers out front in Arkham. I placed the rake and shovel on the porch near my gardening boots. So cute!
I just went back to check and it is still available on the board.

Next up is new item from another recently featured shop, Pocket Gardens. You can get this fun, 3 x 3 meter Despite and Still garden with seating for three and texture changing soil area simply by clicking on the Subscribo. Couldn't be easier. It includes two rusty oil barrels, a tire and stone seat -- as well as flowers, naturally. Perfect for urban dwellers or on a rooftop patio.

I did quite a lot of hunting and gathering yesterday -- and even some actually shopping (yes, gasp). While there were a few great prizes in all the hunts sampled, I had the best luck with the Falling Leaves Hunt. This Autumn Bench came from Fluid Furniture #47. It comes with a nice animation for us single folks. There is another pose - animation(?) for a second person and a cuddle pose for twosomes.

If you have wide open spaces and prims to spare, have I got a deal for you! Emberlight Gardens #44 has some lovely COPY trees in the Falling Leaves Hunt. There are three oaks including red, green and silver and two palm trees. Woot! If you went on the hunt at the beginning and found the leaf empty like I did, it is filled now. Chic taking a bow for writing to the VERY NICE designer :D.
My super colorful casual attire comes from Ameri's Designs The No Hunt #116. My tattoo
is from a gift bag at ::Para Designs::. While there are tattoos for both guys and gals in the gift, I like the the male design best. My hair is the often worn Kissy from Tiny Bird and my skin is one of the prerelease Bellas (available tomorrow at Tuli's store).
For those wondering, I will be returning to the Postcards and Prose soon, and for anyone in need of a great little house or store for a 512 lot, I found two and bought one from KANDI BUILD. Two hours and 54 pages on Xstreet got me to the listing and then to the shop. There are actually two styles for 512 lots. The one I picked has lovely art deco textures, great teleporters, two floors and a rooftop area, adjustable lighting and tinting on windows. Not quite free but an excellent price. So take a look if you are in the market. You can get a free footprint for the builds which is very helpful in seeing how they will fit on your lot.