SL House and Garden Hunt
Just a couple previews of items on the SL House and Garden Hunt. I was out and about early (or late) and did some hunting. The good news is that the stores are fantastic. This set from Urbanized comes with multiple sit animations with /1a adjustments and texture change options (all neutral). The pieces are separate so you can use what you need. The floor pillow is only two prims so everyone has room for it! These are no copy items so if you think you want two chairs, pick up a second prize.
This is the loveseat from Napoliy. Not easy to find, my hint is "don't be in too much of a hurry to get to the shop". This is also a no copy item and is transfer.
I found a few other great items that were shown on the official website. So far there is no list of SLURLs or hints on the blog. I would love to have the goodies from ARIA, but a dozen of us couldn't find the prize although it HAS been found according to someone there. ARIA is a great store though, so all that hunting was at least pleasant :D. If someone finds the little house there, I'd appreciate an IM :D. I've already put in my half an hour there. (Got it on try three with a guide from the official group - BIG store.)
My chenille style sweater arrived from -funkstar- while I was hunting. The new vortex II comes in a variety of muted colors, green and pink are shown here. A short sleeved version is also available. It looks SO soft. I wish I had this in real life *wink*. For my other wearables, see this previous post.
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