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Ascension - The Prizes

Last eve I wrote about the Ascension build at LEA16 and the hunt that went along with that event. Well, it's the next day (or night as the case may be) and I am here to show you some of the great gifts that are available for a little hunting.

The theme is futuristic and the quality is superb. So grab your sneakers and head on over to LEA16 for some adventure and exceptional goodies.

There are clothes (guys and gals), jewelry (note that I captured the particle effects of the arm cuff in that lead photo (8 second intervals; I know that well) ), props and decor. Even the boxes that some items come in are amazing. They remind you they are there with nudging sounds and follow you around like pets. Honestly, so cute. Items come in differing colors; not all are shown here. There is also a futuristic tree in green.

My favorite of many great finds (seven in all remember as well as a gift box) is this musical table. It floats. It looks fantastic. It let's you make music by pushing different buttons on and off. Really amazing.

I loved (no LOVED) this shot. See it in its full high rez (yes, I did succumb) version at Flickr.

All these amazing inventions need a home of course. And ya know? You can get that too.

Two versions are available, light and dark, with differing interior colors. Animated textures move around the base. Glow and gorgeousness add to the effect. At 19 land impact, it works for most folks.

Really, get over there and explore -- and grab some goodness for the future.

Hair: Sphinx by Amacci
Poses by:  LAP (nla), graphica


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