HSC - ::69

Haute Style & Co. has their new gift of the month out. It is a very cute detailed top with some tan pants. The pants have prim bellbottoms but you could easily leave those off and have pants for boots. It IS coming into boot season after all. The gifts are at both stores. I got mine at Tropical Escape :D

The pictures were taken at the new ::69 group camp area. I love how the colors worked so well. The camp was set up this morning and as I understand it the group is closed until the 7th when it will open up and those of you NOT in the ::69 group will have a chance to join.

There was a fairly good crowd this morning right after the group notice. I scored a spot at the hair chair and got some fun bright colors for the Halloween season. All the prizes are Halloween themed accessories. There is a fun grocery bag filled with candy that I hope to get soon.

The hair is color change and there are a variety of bright colors as well as black to choose from.