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I Can Do Goth - Yes I Can

Now this is a tongue and cheek post to be sure; poking fun at myself in part.

The World Goth Fair is going on; a charity event.  I applied for early entry, but didn't get in. I am telling you this so that if you are a new blogger and have the idea that "some" folks get into EVERYTHING -- it just aint so. I can understand why; I don't do tons of darkly themed and vampirish white skinned posts. That doesn't mean I can't GO there however; I am a chameleon at heart.

So I journeyed over this eve mostly so I could say that I "blogged it" *wink*. My outfit is an oldie from Blueblood that I honestly don't remember but that I wisely saved.

My hair is a new release for SATURDAY from EMO-tions, Lovelyn.  I found some nice free poses while camming around and used those in this post: see below.

Skin: AKERUKA Nora Vampire Skin

Poses by: Orc Inc (free at the World Goth Fair)


Anonymous said…
You look goth to me! Great pictures as always!!

<3 Cortez

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