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There will be no test today. You should all know where I am, if not from the photo above, then definitely from those that follow. I have been thinking about the olden days of late, of sims that have lasted and aged well, of clothes and specialty items that have done the same. Some of my favorite spots are places I visited in my early youth; some of my most comfy clothes are ones I found in the first year of life.

Familiar places take on a new look with shadow viewers. Even locales with only a small bit of sky can become wondrous and new with some tweaks of our Windlight sliders. Add a bit of post processing and popular photo op locations take on a refurbished life.

This cute and sexy country gal top is on special tomorrow at DK Design. And yes, it really is blue in most Windlight settings! My poses are some new ones from HelaMiyo (a new brand merging Miyoko Magic and Sunflower) for the Proposers Hunt 3 starting soon.  The five pose pack was designed to use with emoters, but works fine for those of us with blank stares *wink*.

And yes, I am in The Far Away -- still as great as it was when brand new.

Style Notes: 

Hair: homemade hat hair
Skin: [:T:] Gina / tan :: 05 Equinox (new)
Clothing: Country Shirt Blue - By Dexter Kaupas;  [Miseria] Delirium Jeans - Fog

Accessories:[SC] Surf Couture - Straw Cowboy Hat and chewing wheat (Skipping Stones Hunt - 2009)

Poses by: HelaMiyo


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