I have a ton of thoughts roaming around in my head this morning. Friends leaving, moving, new horizons and saying goodbye. Dropped balls, business practices and hunting. Let's pick one. And the winner is? Hunting!
There are many, many hunts these days. And if you think there are a lot now -- just wait until February. I've seen a partial list and it is l-o-n-g. In the past I had time to do most of the big hunts. Now, I have other priorities.
Happily a couple (or more) gals have decided it is their mission to give us previews. While this may be a controversial move, I am clapping loudly. First, it is a LOT of work. Not only do you need to find 150 on average stores, you need to find the prizes, then unpack and try on, photograph, post --- I'm getting tired just typing about it. Second? It relieves me from feeling that I need to show you a big list of hunt gifts. I still will of course, but these will be ones I put in the stellar category.

There are few things I love more than lag-o-liscious belts -- you know, the ones with all the STUFF. This beauty is from Minge Ninja - #60 in the Broken Resolutions hunt. So many great details, it made me want to put on my lady cop outfit from Hucci and head on over to the Crack Den :D. I opted for something simpler as I have lots to do today.
Find the sculpty bow and get this great unisex prize.
Style notes:
Hair: *SHOP SEU* --kurukuru hair Long [brown:pattun]--
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Eva (tone 5/br) dec VIP gift
Clothing: Solange Missy outfit in brown; *~Clothes Horse~* Sofia (Natural) Skinny Fit Pants brown (older - possibly NLA); [Miseria] Ash Cardigan - Grey
Shoes: BAX Prestige Boots Black Leather
Accessories: [Minge Ninja] Addict's Utility Belt - Resize Scripted [Baubles] bangles (new release)
Poses by LAP.
There is a bit of social commentary connected to this post. I am guessing that some of the retailers in the hunts will not be too happy about this trend of show and tell for all hunt items. The competition is revving up in the hunt arenas. Next month it will be virtually impossible for one person to do all the hunts. Someone may take on the challenge, but for the average folks it will be pick and choose time.
There are often comments within the hunt groups about not publishing SLURLs or store names so that hunters will do the whole train (or chain or whatever you might want to call the connected list). In many ways this picture prize posting is a method most fair. The small and unknown shops will have the same chance at the audience as the big guys -- at least by the blog reading public. So I am happy about it all, whether I am wearing my hunter hat or my retailer one. It will be interesting to see if the trend continues and how it changes our virtual marketing.
you are right - I guess some of the shops arent so happy about showing all hunt gifts (esp. when they put in old hunt gifts or the same in every hunt they are participating in at the same time ;-)).
Next month is a maniac hunt month - and then it´s quality in gifts that counts and in hunts. If they are well organized or badly, if they have good gifts in them etc. and for that blogs that show best of or all hunt items are good. Lets just hope they will all get covered ;-)
Hunting by store names leaves out the smaller more unknown shops - but blogging the best of gifts (or all) helps them get people to come to their shop and look for that hunt item even though there are 50 hunts going on.
Keep up the good blog work - gonna link you - love your style :)