Lucky Chair Watch

In case you missed the sirens (LOL) there's been a lucky chair watch going on at Bukka for awhile. The grand prize is a very nice set of engineer boots in saddle tan. They come in three sizes with the largest being for guys. To say it is laggy there is the height of understatement. People arriving (and there were lots of other folks off screen in that picture above) come decked out to the max. It's a real fashion show and lots of fun.

Languages vary and I've seen a few oriental gals show up in the same very cute school outfit so I'm guessing these are regular hunters and gatherers as well as friends of the watchers. While I haven't won these boots yet, I've TPed a lot of friends in so I get some points for that :D

Along with the boots shown above, there is the iPod Touch that I blogged about a few days ago at Neo Japan. The third chair grants you a very detailed 50 prim watch in three sizes. The smallest works for gals.
Countdown: T minus 8 :D