Neo Japan - Benicia's Style

I was busy today in the pesky real world, so I suggested that my friend Benicia do some exploring and see what she could come up with. And boy did she do a GREAT job. Here's the story -- at least a close proximity of the one told to me.
Benicia used to do a LOT of lucky chair hopping in her youth - LOL. So she decided to go to search and type in lucky chair and see what she could find. Her first and only stop was Rabbit Resort Camp and Lucky Chair in Neo Japan. Now this doesn't sound very glamorous really and she wasn't expecting all that much. When she arrived she found lots of the old red style round lucky chairs placed throughout a shopping mall.

With visions of those bad old BIAB lucky chair days, she started on a circle of the sim. She picked up a lot of items from the chairs, many with "?" as letters. The prizes sounded pretty good and in fact they were. A bit more exploring garnered a lot of free items from the shops. She wanted me to point out that this is a Japanese sim and we know how great things can be from those, even if the vendors aren't always as flashy and upscale as our western versions. It didn't take her too long to figure out that the lucky chairs were indeed filled by the stores in the mall. Woot!

She also went into a nice shopping center with lucky boards and won some very nice scarves. The other gifts there looked great also. Many of the prizes and gifts came without landmarks so giving specific directions isn't in the plan here. But it seems like just wandering a bit might garner a lot of great things. Some of the shops had landmarks to their main stores available. Who KNOWS what you might find.
Great job, girlfriend. You get a big gold star.
Top picture: HAIR by YUZUKAMIYA, shirt by *La Yakito Design* (logo), belt and scarves PINK CLOVER (lucky board) all free.
Middle picture: Dress and accessories by DoTi DESIGN and glasses V J Eyewear (a pack of different colors and attachment points) from red lucky chairs. Shoes not free.
Bottom picture: belt from BUKKA (she's not sure if it was from shop or chair).
Poses by Vain.