Quiet Moments

It's been a busy afternoon and I'll post about some adventures a bit later. But it was time for a rest and some quiet moments. The undies set above is from Kathy Kat and is one of several colors in the pack. Both pieces come in two layers. This is a lovely present - very feminine but also with a bit of drama. Find the gift bags near the prize camping chairs.

It goes beautifully with the just out skin from Tuli, Natalie. This group gift just went out to a few thousand folks, so you can expect to see it here and there :D. Shown is Sunkissed which is my typical skin tone. I choose Windsong from House of Heart to complete the peaceful afternoon photo.
The Natalie skin line will be released this Saturday. This makeup version will not be available in the store.
Pose by LAP.
Countdown: T minus 7 :D