MALT Fashions: Part 1

While hunting and gathering on the Vain Kissed Hunt, I came across a store that caused me to say, "Wow!" Part of that Wow-ability was the diversity of design, the other part was that I had no idea this store existed. And, like, I'm SUPPOSED to know these things - LOL. I wandered around the store for a very long time trying to find that kiss. It turned out that it was SO right there and I was simply tired -- my eyes refusing to see it. The plus side of my long stay was a decision to contact the owner about blogging some of the designs.
Now I so don't do this. Actually this is the first time I have ever contacted someone to say that I really was impressed and I'd like to blog some things. A wise and renown designer told me once that if I found someone I really liked, I "should" contact them. So taking a clue from one of our retro queens, I did just that.
So here are some designs from MALT. I pretty much liked everything there. The variety is vast. So if you like the looks of these designs, you'll just have to go over and see for yourself!
The top dress is called Rah Rah and has a fun salsa-ish skirt that flows with your moves. And you'd want to move in this lovely number -- getting out on the dance floor and flaunting your stuff.

Hair by HOH; Poses by LAP, Shoes by Juicy.