Mix 'n Match

There's nothing I like more than mixing it up. So when I tried on Lemania Indigo's new dollarbie for the day and found that the skirt looked GREAT with last nights top from Prism -- what's a girl to do? I went mixing crazy.
Now today's outfit called Carmel Latte is cute by itself, but its real value (to me of course) is that it coordinates with so many things in my wardrobe. New things, things I really love. So I was doing a happy dance. Shown above is the Carmel latte sweater and glitch pants made into leggings with Dark Eden skirt and boots in blood.

I could make another five outfits to show you, but it's a lot more fun for you to work on your own :D
Poses by LAP
Countdown: T minus 10 :D