Valentine Gifts

Valentine Day brings gifts of course --from friends and lovers and from fashion groups. This VD is no different. Here are just a couple of the lovely gifts I received today. Thanks so much to everyone.
Shown above is a very cute (and PINK of course) chair and end table with flower and candle from Tuli. The chair comes with built in custom poses. If you are in the Tuli group, be sure and see the archives. I didn't get my notice, so some of them didn't go out. Not unusual as Tuli's group is HUGE.
The dress is a very lovely gift from SL Divine Divas. The skirt pattern is striking and glamorous. In this dress you can be a heart breaker at a formal dance or a princess JUST for you favorite prince -- the choice is yours.

Sn@tch has a fun gift with SHOES (wink) for their customers. Find it in a pink bag near the Sn@tch TV. Check out the TV of course and the riot vendor -- and lucky chairs. All there in close proximity. And the Vain lips are close by too. The gift from the pink lips would work well with this outfit. So spend a bit of time and check out ALL the goodies.

And if you are a girlie type of gal, the pink dress from Sn@tch is still available. Look for the vendor downstairs and buy for 0.
Hair is Doll from HOH. Poses by Vain (1) and LAP (3).
