Vain Hunt - Day 3 Take 1

If you have the prims (and sadly I don't so I'll be packing this away for awhile) this fantastic bar set is the gift from C & D Designs. It's called Hot Martini and comes with both wearable and a bar version drinks. The cocktails steam and are lovely in themselves. Since the drinks for your friends are no copy, you "might" want to pick up an extra set of lips -- just in case you have a lot of friends :D This would also be great for a club. Be sure and see what else they have to offer in their store.
Shown here with an outfit from Twisted and Spoiled, strappy shoes from Shoe Fly, and a lovely pale skin from MJ+DADA.

The outfit above is from Dilly Dolls and includes other options such as a cute girlie skirt and fishnet socks. The prim pieces are scripted for easy adjustments. There is a store hunt going on there at the moment too, so keep your eyes out for hearts with daggers in them :D A hat is also included but then you wouldn't be able to see the skin I'm wearing. It's from ti'ko just a few numbers away.

If your taste go towards the exotically punky, you may love this outfit from F G Underground. The violet top is especially nice and the tattoos definitely make a statement. It comes with lacy undies that show just a bit and some very cute leg warmers. The skin called Lien - Lovers Turn into Monsters is by PIDDIDLE and hopefully won't be too fitting for your personal Valentines Day. (Shoes by Juicy and not part of the hunt.)
See that cute chair and pose? It is one of a HUGE fat pack of colors from CORN, a very nice furniture store. You click the chair to change the pose and they are only two prims each (be still my prim challenged heart). So I'll be replacing some household furniture soon. Woot!
On the worth noting list -- mine anyway :D we have:
Mudhoney with a nice heart shaped lounger with sculpty pillows. It comes in two versions, one maroons and one grays.
Micro Denzeo has a nice light gray muscle shirt for guys. Tasteful logo included.
Illuminati Designs has some Tees for guys as well as arm and leg bands with blood soaked daggers so you can almost wear your heart on your sleeve :D
DIAPOP has a casual blue leather jacket for guys as well as some other gifts.
Unique Needs has a lovely black and red RP cloak (guys and gals) that comes packed in a cute red (wearable) skully purse.
JE Republic has a cute red tote bag filled with "stuff" and you know how realistic that is.
Polina-Kaestner gave away some great open toed retro pumps in bright red.