
I am a big believer in basics. Give me a fantastic fitting pair of jeans, a nicely patterned turtleneck sweater and show me to my accessories folder - LOL. Today's retiring dollarbie from Lemania Indigo is one of those basics. Nothing fancy, but oh the possibilities. It's all up to you. Dig out those hunt oddities you saved, those perfect little items you bought a year ago and forgot about and make this empty silver canvas your own.

It doesn't always have to be about the big skirts. Many outfits are great as pants. Just go into appearance and make your glitch shorts into slacks - or capris for boots - and you have another way to express yourself.
Silver Dream is $1 until sometime Thursday morning.
Accessories by Sn@tch, Juicy, WoE and Prinny's Prims. Hair by HOH. Poses by Vain and LAP.
Countdown: T minus 12 :D