Bootz! Kute and Freee!

Boots. Most of us love them -- gals and guys alike. Yesterday was an excellent boot day for me. Studio M'z has some hopping lucky chairs. That's isn't giant news, but since there is a larger crowd than usual, I'm guessing that these new boots haven't been in there too long.

These are my favorites and I suspect the big draw for the chairs. You never know though; what one person lusts after is just the so so prize for another. The boots are touch resize and available on the wall in several colors including a nice dark chocolate. They sell for $198.

A stylish set of cowboy boots is also in the chairs. These come sized for guys but a few clicks and they were fitting me perfectly. Some prim adjustment might be necessary depending on your tiny girlish feet *wink* . Available in several colors, the western stompers sell for $188 if you aren't into the watch and wait exercise. A red leather skirt makes up the M'z chair cadre.

The other excitement for me yesterday was finally - FINALLY - winning the Fire boots at the Phoenix - Firefall chairs. I think it has been three months. Obviously buying would have been a better option, but some of us are stubborn. And I won a lot of other nice gifts along the way, so no complaints.
My outfit above consists of already blogged items; pants from Sn@tch, shirt from DSL hunt at E!, my Total Betty tank (NLA) and some guy hair from Ali and Alli. It is in the Make Him Over hunt. You get five colors with click resize, so this easily works for gals too. Read more here.
Poses from LAP are from two NEW sets out. They are up on the stage. See sidebar for pose maker links.