I first became aware of *ICED* when I had a tiny shop in a RP sim right down the street from their tiny shop :D. I had no idea then of the breath of designs the main store carried.
And then today ...

I decided to take a brief (you know I'm not much of a hunter these days) gander at the Fun in the Sun Hunt. ICED turned out to be the number two spot, and ...

The necklaces are all lovely. Many of the gift prizes include an option for guys. And there is a separate MHOH necklace just for the males.
It's difficult to pick my favorite, but I think it is the magnifying glass. Now if I had completed either of those hunts, I might not be in such a "oh isn't it cute" mode, so it's OK if you have another favorite. I can say that they are ALL going in my jewelry folders -- folders newly cleaned out and categorize I might add.

I've had this lovely watch from ICED in my To Be Blogged folder for a long while. It is quite charming and was a DSN sample. I'll be happy now to move it over to my "watches" folder -- LOL. I'm working my way through shoes at the moment. Many folders of discovery left.
So, if you like these examples from the store, by all means get over there and look around.
The hair shown here is one of the newer releases from House of Heart called Lilly. It comes with a cute color change bouquet of flowers holding up the back. Lots of fun to play with and you can always match!
Tank by E! Eclectic (previously featured). Poses by LAP.